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Senior Concierge Service


Wellness Checks

Putting our clients’ wellbeing first, one of the cogs in our senior home care wheel entails prescription delivery, bringing your elderly relative’s medication to their door. The ultimate peace of mind, this hassle-free service will put a stop to missed doses, signaling a new start for your loved one’s symptoms.

Whether they’re housebound, experiencing limited mobility, or deemed vulnerable, one of our friendly team members will take on the behind-the-scenes, with each prescription delivered with a smile. Reliable, trusted, and always efficient, our pharmacy pick-up service was created to halt forgotten pick-ups and treacherous trips to stock up, giving your loved one a ‘skip’ in their step.

Home Care Assistance NY: Elder man sitting on couch with orange blanket while being served by a home care assistant.

Transitional In Home Care

Minimizing the risks your loved one faces as they turn the page on their next chapter, our transitional care service is designed to help navigate a seamless hospital-to-home transition. A fully comprehensive in-home support service, built upon a foundation of compassion, we’ll ensure your relative is given the tools they need to thrive, with a friendly face in tow.Fostering an individual-led approach to aging care, we work hand-in-hand with our clients, their needs, and preferences, delivering home assistance with a bespoke twist. Promoting safety through a broad range of tailored services, from day-to-day home upkeep to mobility support, our hands-on support will give you the peace of mind that your relative is in safe hands as their care level decreases.

Home Organization

Creating an inviting, uncluttered living space for your elderly relative to enjoy, our home care assistance services were created to nurture our clients’ mental and emotional wellbeing, on top of the typical day-to-day support. A clean, orderly environment is conducive to a safe setting, free of trip-hazards and difficult-to-manage areas; a key way to help your loved one stay in their home for as long as possible.As our clients begin spending more time at home, with mobility issues and medical symptoms making it difficult to step beyond the doorstep, a decline in home upkeep often comes alongside. Offering a helping hand from top-to-bottom, we place items in easy-to-reach spots, create order, and discard unnecessary belongings, easing a weight from their shoulders.

pharmacy box

Pharmacy Pick Ups

Putting our clients’ wellbeing first, one of the cogs in our senior home care wheel entails prescription delivery, bringing your elderly relative’s medication to their door. The ultimate peace of mind, this hassle-free service will put a stop to missed doses, signaling a new start for your loved one’s symptoms.Whether they’re housebound, experiencing limited mobility, or deemed vulnerable, one of our friendly team members will take on the behind-the-scenes, with each prescription delivered with a smile. Reliable, trusted, and always efficient, our pharmacy pick-up service was created to halt forgotten pick-ups and treacherous trips to stock up, giving your loved one a ‘skip’ in their step.

Snowbird Home Care NYC: Man holding a box. another with a notepad.

Snowbird Home Care

Created for our clients who jet off towards warmer weather during the winter, we provide caretaking, maintenance, and general home services. A hassle-free option for the sun-seekers in your life, snowbird home care was designed to give your loved ones the flexibility to stock up on vitamin D and sun-drenched memories, without the worry of life back home.From snow removal and mail and package pick up, through to routine home maintenance, we work to ensure our clients can step off the plane and immediately put their feet up, free of unexpected tiny visitors, damage, and leaks that snowball from a few droplets into a waterlogged bathroom. We see ourselves as your eyes on the ground, identifying and informing you of concerns, before correcting the issues that come to the surface.

Grocery Service NYC : Young male delivering grocery to elderly gentleman.

Grocery Shopping

Taking on our clients’ day-to-day responsibilities, our assistance doesn’t stop at their door. Committed to facilitating seamless lifestyles, we shop, deliver, and stock away fresh groceries for your elderly relative to enjoy, without them having to brave the elements, traffic, and lines. With an emphasis on convenience, we ask our clients to outline their favorite groceries, as well as the items they need, checking off each product as we go to ensure nothing slips through the net. A pivotal service for those experiencing mobility concerns, medical conditions, or a lack of transportation, we’re sticklers for full stomachs and even fuller cupboards.

Notary Services

Provided by licensed NYS notaries, we offer notary services from the comfort of our clients’ homes, ensuring all official documentation is in order. From authorizing a new Power of Attorney to identifying beneficiaries, our approachable professionals take pride in working at your loved one’s pace, free of pressure, weight, or time constraints. Making legal documents less intimidating, our clients benefit from impartial guidance that they can trust.To us, this service is about so much more than an efficient alternative to office-based services. An in-home support service designed to help your elderly relative navigate their personal affairs, we take care of the time-consuming, stress-inducing administrative tasks, fostering a worry-free approach to independent senior living.